Cheating in a relationship is never excusable, but an appropriate method of revenge is enough to ease the ego’s pain somewhat. If one can find a hilarious smackdown by text, that can function as a particularly delicious comeback. If one wants to get physical about it and capture an in-person gasp of indignation, all the better. This is a lot of trouble, of course, but the payoff would be worth the battle.
Over at Reddit (where all the trouble lands these days), a user by the handle DeathByDanny paints a fitting portrait of a friend who adored his girlfriend. Obviously, she didn’t feel the same way, as she was cheating on him all along.
Perfectly awful, right? The ex-girlfriend fully deserved a well-orchestrated revenge, but let’s hope an innocent party didn’t get swindled by the man’s magic approach. On second thought, that’s exactly what took place when the guy recruited an unknowing accomplice into his plan. Aaaand this person just happened to be very related to the ex-girlfriend. Oh no:
BP was furious, but he wasn’t the type to sh*t in her cereal, beat up the other guys, etc. But he wanted to get back at her somehow, some way. A few days later, we’re all out drinking, hanging out, hitting the bar circuit, having a good time when who else but his ex’s mom actually shows up. Ex’s mom gets liquored up with us when BP actually saw his opportunity for revenge.
So he sweet talks the mother to the point where she ends up bringing him back home with her, and then … you guessed it. He had sex with his ex’s mother. But the story gets better.
Post-coitus, he decides to get up and go to the kitchen to get a drink. Not putting anything on but a t-shirt, he walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge. At this point, his ex, who was out herself, comes in and runs into him, naked from the torso down, in her fridge. She screams at him, “What the f*ck are you doing here?”
Nonchalantly, he replies, “Getting some orange juice.”
“Getting some orange juice” sounds about ripe for catchphrase status at this point. Let’s hope that the ex-girlfriend’s mother at least enjoyed herself and never found out the truth, although — let’s be honest — a followup scene to this story would be one hell of a soap opera.
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