Almost a year ago I shared several works from DeviantARTist’s Jason Heuser’s Presidential Badassery collection as I was deeply inspired by Thomas Jefferson punching a gorilla. Jason (aka SharpWriter) has released a few more installments since then, most notably FDR Battle Master and Ben Franklin Vs. Zeus.
All of Jason’s works are like Abraham Lincoln: Vamire Hunter in concept, except backed up by single-serving art and minus the need for a plot. In other words: tons of fun. But I haven’t been paying close enough attention or felt the need to share any more until today, less than 24 hours from Independence Day when Ronald Reagan Riding A Velociraptor feels like what this nation needs right now.
I’d like to think we can all put partisan politics aside and agree this is simply a magical way for the internet to usher in the 4th of July. ‘Merica, people!