‘Rosemary’s Baby’ Coming to Criterion For Halloween

We rarely talk about DVD releases on here because honestly, most studio DVD releases are crap at this point. The extras are just repackaged press materials and all the action is on Netflix and Amazon anyway. Which is why it’s fun to note Criterion is putting out a horror classic the day before Halloween.

Yes, Rosemary’s Baby, the best argument for staying single and not marrying an actor, is coming to the Criterion Collection. It’s actually still an effective horror film, helped considerably by the fact that Mia Farrow nails her role as a woman who may or may not being going completely insane. Roman Polanski’s light touch of humor also helps the proceedings considerably.

Being a Criterion release, it’s pretty detailed. There’s the movie in the usual glorious transfer; a feature-length documentary about the composer; a lengthy radio interview with Ira Levin about the movie, the book, and the sequel he wrote; and new interviews with Farrow, Polanski, and Robert Evans.

There’s also the traditional booklet in the case with an essay by some critic only film nerds have heard of (Ed Park, for you film nerds), and a reprint of Levin’s afterword to the original novel regarding the movie.

In short, it’s that rare DVD release at this point that’s genuinely exciting. Now, Criterion… what are we doing about giving us an Exorcist box set worth owning?

image courtesy Criterion