Russian porn star Lola Taylor managed to get away from two alleged rapists by jumping out of their apartment’s third-story window in Moscow, Russia. The 22-year-old actress, who broke both her legs in the process, was told by Dmitry Kosenkov and Maksim Pilipenko that “they were planning to make a new film and invited her for an interview,” according to the Daily News.
[Taylor] agreed to visit them in their apartment in the district of Yasenovo in the Russian capital of Moscow to discuss the project. But after she arrived, the men set upon her and proceeded to rape her in an ordeal that lasted several hours.
She eventually managed to escape by jumping from the third floor balcony where she was found by stunned neighbor Blasius Vinogradov, 54, walking his dog. (Via)
The two men were caught by the police, and according to a spokesperson, “They denied it until we found evidence of the crime across the apartment. They had tried clearing up the blood but had not yet disposed of her ripped clothing.” They will be detained for “three months before the trial.”