Watch ‘GQ’ Man Of The Year Ryan Reynolds Square Off With His Twin Brother ‘Gordon’

GQ has a brand new “Man of the Year,” and it’s none other than Mr. Blake Lively himself: Ryan Reynolds! To mark this momentous honor, GQ had the Deadpool star’s twin brother “Gordon” conduct his Man of the Year interview, since ostensibly no one would know Reynolds better than the man he once shared a womb with.

(Note: According to Wikipedia, Ryan Reynolds is actually the youngest of four brothers, if you couldn’t already see where this was heading.)

So it goes without saying that “Gordon” has been harboring some serious resentments against his brother due to his whole “being a famous A-list actor with a knockout wife” thing (not to mention he probably gets “Deadpool” yelled at him all of the time), as Gordon starts out the interview combative, noting that there would be a third beard in the room “if you count your wife.”

From there things just continue to go downhill, as Gordon’s first question for his brother is, “Why such a c***?” From there he asks whether or not Reynolds considers Deadpool the “Green Lantern of good movies,” what Eva Mendes is like, and what Blake Lively is like. You can draw your own conclusions from that last one.