UPDATE: This is, according to Croteam, 100% legit. Pirate the game and a killer scorpion monster is gonna eff you up.
You know, as anti-piracy advocates go, this is probably the best mascot we’ve seen.
We’ve reached out to the folks at Croteam for confirmation on this, but it’s frankly too funny not to share this fine Friday morning: apparently, if you pirate the game, a really gross and completely immortal scorpion monster is coming, in game, to end your $#!t.
The first evidence of this turned up on Twitter, where user IronRinn shared a video found on YouTube claiming to reveal the game’s DRM, which is simply a video with no proof.
Granted, it’s an idea not without precedent: back in the days of yore, if you pirated a game, the devs just straight up messed with you instead of imposing software locks, generally making the game unplayable in the process.
Needless to say, the Internet’s response is largely, well, “CHALLENGE ACCEPTED”, if it even exists. Croteam is happy to do this, we’re sure, but it strikes us as outside the sense of humor of most modern game publishers. Video of said scorpion, after the jump.
[ via the DRM at Super Punch ]