Seth Rogen stopped by The Late Show to chat with Stephen Colbert on Friday night, where — after briefly celebrating the legalization of marijuana in Canada — the two reminisced over the times the Sausage Party star trolled Donald Trump Jr. by sliding into his DMs after learning that the president’s son was following him on Twitter.
But while he’s never sugar-coated his feelings about the current presidential administration and those who enable it, Rogen said recently he accepted an offer from Mitt Romney (whose name he speculates is short for “Mittens”) to speak at a summit on brain health. He and his wife Lauren started a charity for Alzheimer’s disease after her mother was diagnosed more than a decade ago.
Before getting up to speak, Rogen recalled being approached by two young “very white” teenage boys who asked to take a picture and then told him that their dad wanted to meet him. And then, Rogen saw none other than Paul Ryan heading straight for him. He said his “whole body puckered” at the sight of the Speaker of the House, who immediately grabbed his hand before he could react.
But when Ryan then asked him a picture, Rogen put his foot down.
“And I look over, and his kids are standing right there, expectantly, clearly fans of mine, and I said, ‘No way, man!’
I couldn’t stop, and I said, ‘Furthermore, I hate what you’re doing to the country at this moment, and I count the days until you no longer have one iota of the power that you currently have!’
And I look over and his kids are still standing right there! And I feel very conflicted about this, at this moment. It’s not their fault, but at the same time they should probably learn that if they like a movie or song, the person who made that probably doesn’t like their dad that much!”
When Rogen did finally get up to speak, he lobbed a five-alarm burn at Anthony Scaramucci, who happened to be sitting in the front row. All in all, it sounds like it was a pretty productive evening.