Just in time to follow up on that ranking of the 21 top sex positions, now you can calculate how many calories you’ll burn with each one of them, thanks to a new “Sexercise” calculator. All you need to do is calculate your weight, your partner’s weight, then factor in the assorted stages in your session — which includes foreplay through the act itself — with positions ranging from traditional missionary and doggy style to “kneeling wheelbarrow” and “tangled.” Is that the same as pretzel? (Full disclosure: I don’t know what either of those are.)
According to SuperDrug Online Doctor, the online retailer that put out the calculator, men and women can burn up to 300 calories in an 80-minute act of lovemaking; the equivalent of running three miles. However as a married person in my 30s, I gave it a try and tallied just under 20 calories for “the usual” (because I am a married person in my 30s), so it doesn’t look like I’ll be cutting back hours at the gym anytime soon.
You can try it out yourself below, and if you are the kind of person who has sex for 80 minutes straight, please also share your secret because inquiring minds would like to know.
[protected-iframe id=”181a92b18f5dbf34a73976e0dc5cdd2e-60970621-60765065″ info=”https://onlinedoctor.superdrug.com/services/widgets/sexercise/” width=”100%” height=”800″ frameborder=”0″ style=”max-width:700px;”]
(Via SuperDrug Online Doctor)