YouPorn Is Banning Starbucks In Response To It Blocking Porn Sites

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Starbucks wants people to stop watching porn in its cafes, and it’s doing what it can to battle that by banning porn sites from its WiFi network. That’s certainly within their right, as providing free WiFi is, unfortunately, not required by the U.S. Constitution nor the Bill of Rights.

Still, that doesn’t mean a public porn ban will not be without repercussions. The porn site YouPorn, for example, is fighting back. Apparently the best way to do that is by reciprocation, as YouPorn has decided to ban Starbucks in a response their new adult content filter on its networks.

The Washington Examiner wrote about the ban, citing a TMZ report that included in internal memo from the porn purveyor explaining why it was banning Starbucks as a result of the coffee chain’s upcoming policy.

In light of the news that Starbucks has blocked customers from searching and viewing adult content within their establishments, Starbucks products will officially be banned from the YouPorn offices, effective January 1, 2019.

See your direct manager for any questions.

It’s clearly a tongue-in-cheek — and maybe a few other places — ban, but one that certainly gets them in the news. I’m sure their employees will really miss all those mostly-empty holiday cups smelling like stale, slightly-burnt coffee when a careless co-worker throws it out in their desk trash can instead of dumping the liquid out and tossing them in the kitchen garbage can. You know, the one that gets changed more often and has a lid. How rude, right?

Almost as rude as watching porn in a Starbucks.

(via TMZ, Washington Examiner)