It’s hard to take anything as pure truth these days, even if you see it with your own eyes. So when a guy comes onto Reddit and starts posting about how he thinks his wife is cheating on him, it’s easy to call it fake or just overlook it. But when the guy in question hires a private investigator, hacks his wife’s phone, and begins live-updating the entire ordeal, you might start to take notice.
That’s what currently happening with a user going by the name of MyLifeSuxNow. He posted his discovery of some incriminating texts onto the sub-reddit Today I F*cked Up and pleaded for help from the comments:
My wife (Jenny) and I have been married for 8 years. We met when we were 22 and we had both just graduated from university. It’s been great so far, we haven’t had a huge argument where we’ve had to separate for a period of time or anything like that. Also, we have given each other our passwords to our phones and personal emails.
Well, Jenny was sleeping this morning and my brother shot her a text. My brother’s wife (Carly) and Jenny are planning on going out of town for a get-away while my brother, I, and some friends are going to watch football on Sunday and hang out during the weekend. He was asking Jenny to text Carly on his phone because Carly dropped her phone in the toilet. My brother and Carly were basically sharing phones for the time being till she gets a new phone.
I decided to open up the phone and reply something stupid and funny in order to embarrass Jenny. So I opened up the iMessage app and went to read their previous conversation to see what was happening, so I could tell a relevant joke. 2nd to the top of the list of conversations was a chat with a guy/girl named Zack. I didn’t know who Zack was, but the most recent thing he sent her was “
To my horror, there was sexually explicit talk of what he wanted to do to Jenny when she “crawled up next to his sack.” What a filthy beast. I scroll up, and there are multiple nudes from both of them waiting for me to discover. Most of them are dated sometime between 1-4am (usually I’m sleeping then, smart.) so I knew she was obviously trying to hide it from me.
I realized my wife is cheating on me. I took a moment to realize that this was the end of our marriage. All of our happy times, our foreign trips, and our romantic nights must have meant nothing to her. I put the phone down and went to the bathroom to freshen up while Jenny was still sleeping.
From here our distressed husband is a bit worried and suspicious of Jenny, especially after she messages a few more times and places a password on her phone. This prompts him to steal her phone when she goes out, break into it, and confirm that Jenny is indeed cheating on him. He shares how he found incriminating pictures and texts, prompting him to come to Reddit to decide on the proper route of action.
Turns out the story would take a crazy twist that includes a private investigator, his sister-in-law, a possible foursome, and a very distraught brother.

The Plot Thickens
Popular demand forced our crushed husband to update his situation for Reddit. After many commenters suggested he seek some sort of divorce and the help of private investigator, he took the advice and hired one to follow her for a weekend:
(5:15pm) 1/16/2015: Private Investigator hired to tail her Saturday, Sunday and Monday
(6:00pm) 1/16/2015: It took a while, but passwords to everything changed, backed up personal info, created throwaway email to send proof to.
(6:47pm) 1/16/2015: She’s home, It really sucks speaking to her normally, but I’m dealing with it. No sex. Also, I’ve found 3 excellent divorce lawyers for myself. Luckily I make much more than her so I can afford an excellent lawyer while she can only afford a mediocre one at best.
(8:13pm) 1/16/2015: Hired a divorce lawyer (pricey) but he’s known to do excellent work. I’m in good hands. It’s tempting to have sex, my soon to be ex-wife is trying extra hard to seduce me tonight for some reason. She’s either super horny or is trying to get me to have sex with her as a form of infidelity forgiveness.
(8:54pm) 1/16/2015: Goddammit she’s on her phone texting again in the bathroom. I can hear the send button being pressed over and over. It’s probably nudes and sexy talk. Jeesus this hurts.
(9:55pm) 1/16/2015: She went to bed, I’m sitting here watching TV on my laptop. She’s trying to initiate sex, I of course have to decline. I went to have sex with her but I’ll control myself. Despite what she did being unforgivable, she’s still beautiful on the outside.
It’s almost unreal by this point, as you can see, but it gets even crazier once Carly the sister-in-law arrives and the PI starts to tail them on their alleged “girls weekend”:
(10:40am) 1/17/2015: Carly has arrived. They’re both eating breakfast while I’m watching TV and on my computer. Once they pull out, the PI will begin tailgating.
(11:50am) 1/17/2015: They left a bit later than they should have (11am). They got caught up chit chatting and occasionally talking to me. Private Investigator is tailing them now. He’s got a camera that zooms in and takes high quality pics from ridiculously far away, an assortment of high quality dash cams, and handheld recorders.
(12:02pm) 1/17/2015: The PI will be sending me live updates and I can view one of his cameras on my computer, sort of like a live stream. I’ll post a few details here but the main parts will be posted after the investigation in an update on r/relationships on Monday/Tuesday. I’ll link the post here so you all can check it out when it’s up.
(12:03pm) 1/17/2015: She is not heading to the place she told me she was going. Jenny is driving. This doesn’t look good.
(12:14pm) 1/17/2015: Carly got dropped off at Starbucks. Jenny took the car and left the shopping center. Don’t know where she’s headed. PI is 10/10 with these updates and live cam.
(12:19pm) 1/17/2015: PI is tailing Jenny. She’s making sporadic turns left and right ultimately leading to nowhere. She doesn’t know he’s following because he’s very far away, I think she’s playing it safe.
(12:24pm) 1/17/2015: Divorce attorney and I rescheduled for Monday morning at 7am. I’ll hit the divorce attorney, then go to work.
(12:26pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny has circled back to the shopping center. She’s parked an abnormal distance from the Starbucks and is texting someone. It’s probably Carly since they’re both on their phones. Carly is texting as seen through the Starbucks window, Jenny is texting in her car at the shopping center.
(12:30pm) 1/17/2015: A man walked into Starbucks and is sitting next to Carly. Jenny has parked closer to the Starbucks, seemingly waiting for Carly to come out. The man could either be:
A stranger trying to hit on Carly
A random person sitting next to her since the seats are close to full
Zack or her own affair partner.
(12:38pm) 1/17/2015: The man left the Starbucks and headed on his way. Carly and Jenny have regrouped in the car. They’ve been talking for the past few minutes, no movement. Carly seems to be on edge, she keeps looking out the window. They know something we don’t. This is intense.
(12:48pm) 1/17/2015: Still in the car…
(12:56pm) 1/17/2015: Still in the car. The PI is hundreds of yards away zoomed in on his equipment. He is not even in the same shopping center as them. He has slightly tinted windows so it would be hard for them to see him.
(1:02pm) 1/17/2015: They’ve pulled out of the shopping center, PI is tailing. Don’t know where they’re headed.
(1:15pm) 1/17/2015: Still driving. There’s a bit of traffic so they haven’t gone too far.
(1:23pm) 1/17/2015: Carly has been dropped off at a hotel. The hotel is a decent one, not a rusty motel but not crazy Vegas quality either. It’s the common ones you see around like Hiltion, Hampton Inn, etc. Jenny is in the parking lot.
(1:26pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny has left the car and followed Carly into the hotel. They’re either:
Going for food or
Meeting up with their partners
From there, Carly stays at the hotel and Jenny is off to meet up with Zack. This confirms the cheating for the most part, but then a monkey appears in the wrench and nearly ruins all of the investigation to this point:
(2:31pm) 1/17/2015: F*CK. Carly texted my brother about Jenny. So my brother knows, Carly knows, I know. They didn’t know I knew, so my brother just told me (text). I need them both to shut up about this and I need to act surprised when one of them call me. In the last 15 minutes everything has come crashing through the roof.
IF JENNY FINDS OUT I KNOW, THIS IS WHOLE EVIDENCE COLLECTING THING IS RUINED. I need a way to tell them to shut up without giving away what I’m doing…
The case is ruined if Jenny finds out because I’ll ruin my oppurtunity to get even more evidence. I’ll be stuck with the video of her entering and the quick entering kiss. I want more. I have this PI guy scheduled till Monday, might as well use it up.
(2:41) 1/17/2015: My head is spinning. This is too much information for 30 minutes. I can’t deal.
Carly texted my brother Jenny is cheating. My brother texted me. I cannot have them tell Jenny I know because it’ll ruin my opportunity to collect even more evidence to truly cement my case. I’m not sure if a quick kiss and entering a house will suffice the infidelity clause. She might be able to play it off as a friendly greeting. The PI is scheduled till Monday, so I’ve got more time to collect evidence if my bro and Carly keep their mouths shut.
It would seem that things are the cusp of being outed to everyone involved, at least that would be the case if everything wasn’t about to take a turn for the wild and crazy.

The Raging Climax
What happens next is where this story becomes insane. Almost completely unbelievable. Not only is Jenny cheating with Zack, but it turns out that the Starbucks stranger is not so strange after all:
(3:51pm) 1/17/2015: Remember the guy that met up with Carly in Starbucks? He just got into the car that Zack and Jenny are in. They’re all sitting together discussing something. Things are heating up again. I’ll post proof later on I’m trying to follow the situation now. It’s escalating quickly just like earlier.
(3:55pm) 1/17/2015: They’ve pulled out of the shopping center, PI is tailing.
(4:04pm) 1/17/2015: They have arrived at the hotel. Zack, Jenny, and stranger are heading into the hotel, Carly is inside the hotel somewhere. The stranger is probably the person Carly is having an affair with i’m guessing. If the stranger was a hitman, I’d think he’d be a bit taller or muscular. He looks like an average guy, although he’s fairly short. Not sure how the PI can go about following without looking suspicious.
(4:11pm) 1/17/2015: My PI followed them into the lobby, Jenny picked up a room key and all 3 of them headed for the elevator. We’re essentially blind right now, we don’t know what’s going on in the hotel room(s). PI want’s to know if he should stakeout the hotel or if we should call it a day? It seems like they’ll spend the rest of the day in the hotel and they’ll also sleep together there.
I think Carly was trying to portray Jenny as the only person who was cheating, that’s why she texted my bro right away. I think now if Jenny rats out Carly, Carly will deny it and say Jenny is just saying that because she was caught cheating. Once again, my head is spinning.
(4:16pm) 1/17/2015: Okay, so essentially all four of them are inside the hotel doing something, most likely having sex. The thought of my wife having sex with another man makes me want to puke, but I’m coping. There is no way for my PI to get upstairs in the hotel or to find out what’s going on in there. He’ll stake out the hotel for a few more hours before heading home.
(4:28pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny just texted me that Carly is cheating……………… I actually don’t know where to go from here.
(4:41pm) 1/17/2015: Still not sure what I should reply to Jenny. What should I say? My life is being destroyed here :/
Things continues from there, with a team of investigators keeping a watchful eye on the happenings and a ton of confusion on the part of the gentleman telling the story. Who is cheating? Who is stabbing who in the back? Is any of this real?
The story is still ongoing and is being updated as I type. The most recent events involve the narrator informing his brother of what has happened, far more Starbucks and food scenarios, and the impending arrival of Jenny and Carly back from their trip:
(11:11) 1/18/2015: Welp, I’ve learned my brother is not very good in a crisis. When he arrived, we ate and I told him about the whole cheating situation and how I have video. I showed him a screenshot of Jenny kissing Zack and Carly talking to the stranger at Starbucks. I showed him them hung over at the hotel, the texts, etc. He started to freak out. I was afraid he was gonna burn my house down. It took me a good 10 minutes to get him under control. But, he was suprisingly amazingly calm afterwards. It was like he had a short breakdown then went back to his normal state.
We talked over options and decided that we would each act like we didn’t know about our spouses cheating, like we were clueless. So I’ll act like my brother and Carly never said anything about Jenny, and my brother will act like I haven’t told him about Carly. It may or may not work, but we’re doing this to keep our spouses under control. The last thing we’d want is our spouses to come home and have a simultaneous freak out trying to damage-control…
Now, me and my brother are waiting for them to make some moves, hopefully leave the hotel and show public displays of affection to cement our divorce cases. We still aren’t 100% sure Carly cheated at all, no picture or video proof other than her talking to a guy at Starbucks. Just a few more pictures and videos and we can stop this madness and get on with our divorce cases. He’s finding a lawyer tomorrow and will meet with one sometime this week. The mood in this house is so sad, I don’t like it one bit. Might have to talk a walk or something.
At this point I don’t know what to tell you. The entire event could be fake, but it’s entertaining as hell either way. Sure, someone’s life has been destroyed, but no good marriage ever ended in divorce according to Louis C.K. and this one certainly couldn’t have been that good.