Taylor Swift’s Poker-Faced Bodyguard Stole The Spotlight At Disneyland

The point of Taylor Swift’s latest Instagram was undoubtedly to continue showing off her #squad, in this case, Lily Aldridge and Aldridge’s daughter. The result isn’t as embarrassing as her Apple Music commercial. Unfortunately though, her exceedingly poker-faced bodyguard stole the spotlight.

See what we mean?


The quartet are on the Cars racetrack ride at Disneyland, and the juxtaposition between what’s going on in the front compared to the back is pretty funny. Judging by Swift, Aldridge, and the little girl’s faces, this ride is super thrilling and scary, while Swift’s bodyguard is either really professional and good at his job, or he can’t be bothered. I think it’s the latter; how scary can a Cars ride be?

Either way, this bodyguard — just like Adele’s, or Jennifer Lawrence’s (he even carries her dog!) — are really good at stealing the spotlight from their celebrity clients. The way to do this? Be really hot, or be really IDGAF in comparison to everyone around you. Or just get caught on camera doing your job, either by the paparazzi or for your client’s social media branding strategy.

How many days before Swift posts a selfie of her and her bodyguard smiling and giving a thumbs up? Will he be able to pull of that expression as convincingly? I’m sure we’ll soon find out.