Team Rocket In Real Life: The Dead On Cosplay Photography of Malro-Doll

Although I am only 28-years-old, I am on the other side of the Pokemon age divide. So when I see other twentysomethings talking about it online it generally makes me want to yell at them like an old man with a stray ball in his yard. That said, I cannot deny the stunning awesomeness of these cosplay photographs by Deviant Artist Malro-Doll.
That Jessie’s hair is so accurately recreated is remarkable in itself, but add in the military vehicles complete with rockets and the dead on posing of a Meowth doll and you’ve caught it all!
Seriously though Malro, now that you’ve given the Internet a taste of what you can do you now need to photograph them capturing all 493 pokemon. I do not envy you the task as I understand they can be quite wiley.

By Malro-Doll
By Malro-Doll
By Malro-Doll
By Malro-Doll
By Malro-Doll