If ever there were a motley crew of rejected Justice League superheroes, you need look no further than the cast of the upcoming The Chronicles of Rick Roll -a cinematic experience that looks so ridiculous, frankly I’m ashamed to admit I never actually thought there was someone evil enough to produce something on this scale.
Enter Andrew Fischer, the Executive Producer on The Chronicles of Rick Roll. He’s the guy who thought up the bright idea to put together all of the internet’s most favorite and popular memes into one movie experience. The film’s own website boasts Antoine “Bed Intruder” Dodson, Bear “Double Rainbow” Vasquez, Ben “Leeroy Jenkins” Schulz, Brian “Boom Goes the Dynamite” Collins, Stephen “Freakout Kid” Quire and Gary “Numa Numa” Brolsma as the stars of the flick –aaannnnd that is literally all anyone really knows at this point in the project.
New teaser trailer for the movie is after the jump, though I warn you, actually watching it just makes the concept more confusing. I’ve been sitting here for a good hour trying to convince myself that this isn’t a night terror.
[via LaughingSquid]