Enough dumb stuff happens on a daily basis, especially in politics, that it’s not unreasonable to believe that a small town’s mayor could be a big enough A-hole to propose a ban on dancing. After all, the uptight adults of the movie Footloose had things going pretty well in Bomont until that no-good Ren McCormack showed up and got all of the girls pregnant with his big city dance moves. So when Dean Kaufert, the new mayor of Neenah, Wisconsin, started making news yesterday over his proposal to ban dancing in that town that I’ve never heard of, it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that he could have been yet another seriously insane old doofus trying to ruin the fun for everyone.
Instead, it turns out that he’s a pretty cool dude just trying to rile up some viral support for the teens of Neenah High School. Residents have seen signs like the one above popping up all over town, and today Kaufert issued his “ban” in support of the school’s upcoming performance of Footloose.
“If this creates a buzz and creates interest in it and puts more people in the seats, it’s gonna be well worth it,” Kaufert explained.
And not to fear, Kaufert told us if enough people attend the play, “we will consider lifting the ban and allowing dancing back in Neenah,” he said, laughing. (Via Fox 11 News)
Sure, it’s all fun and laughs right now, but wait until the school’s successful performance turns the whole town into one big episode of Glee. Be careful with what you wish for, Mayor Kaufert.
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