The Three-Boobed Florida Woman Really Wants You To Know All Her Breasts Are Real

It’s the natural order of things. One goes from Florida Woman to Florida Woman with three boobs to Florida Woman with three boobs who now works as a professional dominatrix. If anything, Jasmine Tridevil (which is Latin for the Devil’s Threesome) is leading this race we call life, and we’re all pitifully behind. Barcroft Media caught up with the budding pop star to see how things are going for her, now that she’s been dismissed as a hoax. She disagrees:

“I know my tits are real, and I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

How did she know my high school yearbook quote?

Tridevil is steadfast in her belief that all three of her boobs are real, despite reporting a “three breast prosthesis” as stolen when her bags at an airport went missing.

“Getting a third breast was not always my plan – I just had the idea two years ago. People always have something to say. They will criticize it or will love it and ask for a picture.”

The men who she walks around town on dog leashes seem to be enjoying themselves.