The Wolverine Has Bone Claws And The Viper Goes Nihilist In New Videos

Just a day after that funeral fight scene, Fox has released a third clip and several character featurettes from James Mangold’s The Wolverine. The clip is likely the first scene of the film, taking place during Wolverine’s internment in a POW camp during World War II, back when he only had bone claws and mutant healing.

The second video below is a featurette on Svetlana Khodchenkova’s Viper character, who calls herself “a chemist, a nihilist, a capitalist, a mutation, a viper.” Nihilists, Donny! Then we have a video about Yukio, played by Rila Fukushima. The final two videos are featurettes on Harada (The Silver Samurai) and Logan. Will Yun Lee plays The Silver Samurai and talks about his character’s use of a bow and arrow and his parkour skills. Because of course there’s a guy with a bow and arrow who does parkour. Fox must have got the same memo about archery and parkour that every studio apparently received.



The Wolverine opens July 26th.

(H/T: ENI and CBM. Banner picture courtesy of 20th Century Fox.)