The Worst Trek Bracket Round Twelve: "Move Along Home" vs. "Heart of Stone"

“Spock’s Brain” won the last round, but it was surprisingly close; between comments and Facebook votes, not to mention a few impassioned pleas, it just barely made it into the Sulfurous Sixteen. Which isn’t surprising, because “And the Children Shall Lead” is awful. This round, however, is all about the crew on Deep Space Nine.

“Move Along Home”

It’s essentially “Jumanji”, only with Quark at his worst instead of Robin Williams. The crew at least might get the sweet release of death. We’re not so lucky.

“Heart of Stone”

Yet another bottle episode. To be fair, Rene Auberjonois actually hands in a great, sensitive performance as a man finally admitting his true feelings…which is completely ruined both because of the third act twist and because it’s intercut with a bunch of “wackiness” with Nog trying to impress Sisko so he can get into Starfleet. This was pretty blatantly two episodes smashed together to make a whole one due to production scheduling problems, or budget issues, or a particularly strong bottle of Scotch left in the writer’s room by mistake.

Vote in the comments or on Facebook, and remember, whichever wins is up against “Beverly Gets Wax Fever” in the next round!