These Instagram Artists Are All Must-Follows

Above, you can see Jake Weidmann at work as he shows off some of the most advanced penmanship and drafting skills in the world. And if that video wasn’t enough, you can see far more of his work on Instagram. He thoroughly details his process and you can see new works of his come together stroke by stroke.

But he’s not the only fine artist you should class up your feed with. Here are seven other artists, from masters to the cutting edge of street art, you should follow.

Dennis McNett


If you’re a skateboarder, you’ve probably seen McNett’s line-heavy, stylized work gracing the bottom of boards across the country or on Vans. But that’s just one facet of McNett’s work, inspired by Viking designs; he does block prints, stages performance art of dragon slayings, and builds masks… all of it up for us to see.

Martha Cooper


Cooper redefined capturing everyday life by focusing on what, at the time, other photographers ignored: How people interacted with their environments, whether they were putting art on the walls or just going about their daily lives. Years after she left the New York Post, she’s still at it, both documenting the cutting edge of art all around her, and still tracking the everyday loves and annoyances of a city that never sleeps.

Tofer Chin


Tofer Chin is all about taking away perspective. His work is designed to feel alien, to keep you off your feet, to throw off what you know about the world. Often involving simple, abstract polygons, his work is designed to disorient, and a nice change up from selfies and food.

Francesco Francavilla


Francavilla is best known for his work on comics, such as Afterlife with Archie, but his Instagram is dedicated not just to superheroes and horror, but a wide range of commissions, from movie posters to fine art. Francavilla’s vivid colors, use of negative space, and his sense of whimsy drives everything he draws, and his Instagram offers a great look into the process of turning pop culture into genuine art.

Takashi Murakami


Murakami is one of the best-known names in fine art, and he won’t put completed pieces on Instagram. So, why follow him? Because he puts his thought process on Instagram instead, posting detail shots of his artwork, sharing rough forms of each piece, and laying out how he goes from idea to finished work. It’s a master class for artists, posted one photo at a time.

Kenny Scharf


Scharf’s history dates back to the 1980s, when he was developing graffiti art with Keith Haring and creating cover art for The B-52’s. His art, combining innocent cartoons with street-level creativity, remains fascinating, and Scharf’s Instagram is as much about his puckish sense of humor as it is about his creations.

Don’t Fret


An anonymous artist who puts up a painting a day, mocking greed, landlords, the art world, and, for some reason, brunch. Think of Fret as the artist saying what you most wish you could, in painting form.