Things I Saw On The Internet Today That I Want Really Bad

As I’ve noted previously, I spend hours each day wandering around the Internet, and often I run across things that I find myself wanting really bad.
For instance, I want the French Columbo board game above, mainly because Peter Falk died the other day and suddenly I’m feeling all nostalgic for this show, which was one of my grandpa’s favorites.
Anyway, after the jump are some of the other things I saw today that I want, and you’ll probably want them too after you see them.
(Board game via NPR)
Because it’s Michael Bay week in America, I think I’d like to commemorate it with this giant replica of Optimus Prime made out of recycled metal and used auto parts.

I want Ken Tanaka’s children’s books for grown-ups.
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Ooooohhhh…a Strawberry Basil Bourbon Spritzer sounds amazing right about now! The recipe is below the pic.

1 ½ ounces Bourbon whiskey
½-1 cup strawberries, halved or sliced
6-8 basil leaves, torn, plus for garnish
Sparkling water
Place the strawberries and basil in the bottom of a large glass. Muddle with a large spoon and top with the whiskey. Stir to combine and fill the glass with ice cubes. Top with sparkling water then garnish with basil leaves. Cheers!

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I want this “You had me at meat tornado” Ron Swanson t-shirt.
I want a painting by French artist Thomas Saliot.
(Via Art Sponge)
I want to eat this statue of Abe Lincoln made of cheese.
(via NPR)
I want Matt T’s Tom Hanks face to be the new big meme on the Internet.
(via Matt T)