We don’t know the name of this Great Texas Hero, but she fought the law and law lost. A young woman attending Chilifest, a country music festival in Snook, Texas, was stopped by a police officer for having alcohol while underage. Rather than enforce the law, both parties agreed to a not-so-life-or-death battle of “rock paper scissors” to determine whether or not she would begin have a record for the rest of her life or get off scot-free.
The moment of truth was caught on Vine:
Here’s another angle:
As you can see, this girl was really worried, as I think anyone would be. But in the end, she came out the victor, which is more than we can say for the cops. They didn’t get fired, but they were disallowed from ever working the event again. Mostly because their first thought was to challenge a teenager to “rock paper scissors” rather than arrest her, but honestly, I think more cops should consider this before, I don’t know, using their firearms without any hesitation. Just a thought.
Source: Mashable