Anonymous Just Gave A Big Middle Finger To Florida In Response To Their Controversial Homeless Laws

A word of advice to the city of Ft. Lauderdale Florida: don’t mess with homeless people.

The city’s government recently put into place a series of laws that limits how churches and other organizations are allowed to aid and take care of the homeless. This had some negative effects on the community, particularly when police are arresting 90-year-old volunteers for feeding the homeless. Now the hacktivist group Anonoymous is calling out the city on its controversial policies.

The internet based organization posted a YouTube video yesterday — complete with Guy Fawkes masks and creepy robo voices — demanding Ft. Lauderdale’s mayor, Jack Seiler, get rid of the laws against the homeless. If he didn’t, the group threatened to shut down all local government websites. From The New Times:

“It has come to our attention that Mayor John P. Seiler has become an embarrassment to the good law-abiding citizens of Fort Lauderdale,” the video starts, before demanding that the city drop the three ordinances in the next 24 hours. “You should have expected us, Mayor John Seiler.”

They weren’t kidding around because just a few hours later, the city’s main website, the local police department’s website and the city’s email system were all hacked by the group and flooded with enough traffic to force a shut down.

Not sure what shutting the government in Florida down actually accomplished because I doubt they do much down there anyway, but a tip of our hats to all those hackers with a heart of gold out there.

(Via GSA AMCF / New Times)