A wise man once said, “The internet is for porn.” That man may have actually been a puppet, but the sentiment remains. However, the internet isn’t only for porn, just 37% of it is. Really. The other 63% exists so we can take Thom Yorke’s spastic, what-the-hell-are-you-doing dances in “Lotus Flower” and set them to inappropriate music. But that 63% must not ever overlap with the other 37%. Ever. This is the exception that proves the Rule 34.
Onward to the gallery of Radiohead video parodies. I love you, internet.
Good luck getting this out of your head.
This synchs up with Slayer a little too well.
Play us out, Keyboard Cat.
[Banner picture via EpicPonyz, four of the videos via Buzzfeed (and there’s more of them there), other videos found by us]