Bryan Duffy, a 29-year-old real estate agent, was spotted suspiciously “digging around flower pots” along the route of Sunday’s Chicago Marathon, so police approached him. Even though Duffy was carrying an Altoids box filled with MDA capsules and $531, it still would have been in his best interest to politely answer a few questions and then go on his merry way — because since when is being weird around flower pots a crime?
Anyway, that probably would have been the smart thing to do, but instead Bryan Duffy decided to camouflage himself with 4,500 marathon runners. Via DNAinfo Chicago:
When officers approached, Duffy ran away and joined the runners, prosecutors said.
Officers caught and tackled him to the ground in the 200 block of West Superior Street, according to a police report. In court, during a brief hearing Monday, Duffy’s face revealed apparent road rash.
Duffy was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance, resisting arrest and reckless conduct for putting marathon runners in danger, according to the report.
Maybe this story will have a happy ending in that his short stint running the Chicago Marathon will inspire Bryan Duffy to stop doing drugs and actually take up running — and in the coming year he’ll train really hard and actually participate as a legitimate runner in the 2015 Chicago Marathon. You know, it’ll be like one of those big “triumph over adversity” stories you’re always hearing about. People love that sh*t.
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