17-year-old Cody Lanphere got his wisdom teeth out last week, and like any good parent, his mother made sure to capture his ensuing anesthesia-fueled meltdown on film for posterity for nearly twelve entire minutes of the ride home from the dentist. And all Lanphere — a college freshman and a competitive hip-hop dancer — wanted in the throes of recovery was to see Beyoncé, who was apparently waiting for him in Africa. (And reassurance that he wasn’t dying, of course.)
The potential hazard of driving while filming aside, his mother Christine Livingston told Good Morning America that she did it as parental revenge for her son tweeting about her. Fortunately it seems that Cody, who goes by “@C_Nastyyy_” on Twitter, has taken the embarrassment in stride — and seems to be enjoying his new-found fame. Here’s hoping this gets him one step closer to meeting his idol.
For old times sake, here’s the original “David After Dentist” — which is nearly six years old at this point with over 126 million page views and will more than likely be paying for David’s college education.