This Terrifying Stranger Hacked Into Baby Monitor System To Scream At A Child

Heather and Adam Schreck of Cincinnati, Ohio awoke one night to hear a man screaming from inside their baby’s nursery. Once they jumped out of bed to investigate, they found the yelling coming from their video-monitored baby monitor, which then turned and looked at them. *SHUDDER*

I’m going to apologize in advance for the outdated pop culture reference, but this is some Lawnmower Man sh*t right here. From Time:

According to Heather Schreck, the stranger was yelling at her 10-month-old daughter Emma, “‘Wake up baby. Wake up baby.’ Then just screaming at her trying to wake her up.” Then Adam Schreck, the baby’s father, said when he ran into the room, the camera turned and started shouting at him.

It is the latest IP camera manufactured by Foscam and used as a baby monitor that has gone viral because of a security breach. In August 2013, NewsFeed reported via ABC13 that in Houston, a stranger saw a two-year-old girl’s name written on her bedroom wall via the Internet-connected cam and started making abusive comments like “‘‘Wake up you little sl#t.’”

Back in the day, I would sometimes hear about baby monitors picking up neighbors phone calls, which is an understandable technology flub. Practically handing perverts and creepy creepers the keys to your privacy, on the other hand? Now that is just technology gone stupidly bad. Plenty of kids before Generation Coddle, or whatever the hell you want to call it, got by just fine before video surveillance baby monitors — and I bet if most babies were capable of complex thought they’d probably think their parents filming them all the goddamn time was just plain creepy anyway. End rant, get off my lawn, et al.

Video footage on the next page, and at the risk of coming off as mean-spirited, I couldn’t, um, think of too many other couples more deserving of the last name “Schreck.”

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(Via Jezebel)