Tilda Swinton Is Currently Sleeping In A Glass Box, Because Art?

David Bowie impersonator Tilda Swinton is currently sleeping in a literal glass box of emotion at New York’s Musuem of Modern Art because she is an artist who makes art for art places. Reports Gothamist, “Tilda Swinton has taken up residency sleeping at MoMA. It’s part of an unannounced, surprise performance piece called ‘The Maybe’ that will be taking place on random days all month.” Apparently no one has any idea what the hell is going on.

An integral part of The Maybe’s incarnation at MoMA in 2013 is that there is no published schedule for its appearance, no artist’s statement released, no no museum statement beyond this brief context, no public profile or image issued. Those who find it chance upon it for themselves, live and in real—shared—time: now we see it, now we don’t. (Via)

When reached for a comment, “art” replied:

Or maybe it’s not? Who knows. Such is art.

(Via Gothamist) (GIF via)