This Superhero Known As ‘The Turdinator’ Is Leading The Fight Against Dog Poop

There should be a special place in hell for dog owners who don’t pick up their dog’s poop. Not only is it disgusting and unsanitary, but as a city-dwelling responsible dog owner, I constantly get blamed for other people’s dogs messes. Over in the UK, this problem has become such a scourge in the town of Leiston, Suffolk, that one man has taken it upon himself to literally clean up the streets.

Andrew Hawes, a fed-up father of four now known as “The Turdinator,” has taken it upon himself to shame those who don’t pick up their dog’s poop. Dressed in full camouflage, Hawes hides in the bushes lying in wait for offenders to come along, then jumps out and informs them that they’ve been filmed and that if they don’t pick up their dog’s waste he’ll turn over the footage to police. I get the impression that this guy stepped in dog crap just one too many times.

In addition to his dog-poop vigilantism, Hawes also marks sidewalks in washable spray paint reminding dog owners to pick up after their pets. His story has gotten so much traction that the BBC recently picked up on it and his Facebook group now boasts more than 600 members.

Even Hugh Grant claims to be a fan:

Let this be a warning to British dog owners, The Turdinator is out there and he’s a’coming for you if you don’t pick it up. He’s the hero the world need right now.

(Via BBC News via Mashable)