If you are seeing the #himtoo hashtag and are utterly confused as to why so many people are posting photos of men who are clearly NOT their sons with the same text copy/pasted, this is what started it.
@MarlaReynoldsC3 has since deleted her account. pic.twitter.com/Q5XPj2I9Fe
— Holly Figueroa O'Reilly
(@AynRandPaulRyan) October 8, 2018
Memes are good for many things: blowing off steam, finding humor in hopeless situations, or maybe standing up to power. The latest big meme trend checks off all the boxes. But one that captured Twitter’s attention Monday night had a couple unusual twists, which wound up revealing a strange and, in the Trump-era, all-too-common family drama.
It began with a random woman’s tweet. In the wake of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings — in which the Supreme Court nominee-turned-Justice was accused of sexual misconduct — a woman who tweeted under the handle @BlueStarNavyMom3, decided to take his side. Sometime Sunday, she posted a picture of her young adult son, dressed in the an all-white sailor’s get-up. It read:
“This is MY son. He graduated #1 in boot camp. He was awarded the USO award. He was #1 in A school. He is a gentleman who respects women. He won’t go on solo dates due to the current climate of false sexual accusations by radical feminists with an axe to grind. I VOTE. #HimToo”
This didn’t go over well with social media, once enough people caught wind of it. Twitter has overflown with parodies. They tend to take one of two tacks: loopy send-up (usually with the same text and a ridiculous picture) or savage, angry satire. The woman has since deleted her account, but no one was sure if the person tweeting it was sincere.
But the story has more twists. Another one of her sons, one Jon Hanson, apparently took to Twitter to call out his mom and defend/laugh at his brother.
My brother is trending on twitter because of my moms ridiculous tweet. I’m a mixture of laughing hard and feeling bad for him. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/YG93x9ikii
— Jon Hanson (@DancinJonHanson) October 9, 2018
It seems like what we have here is an old-fashioned Trump parent vs. non-Trump kids tussle. Elsewhere on his feed, Hanson says his mom’s simply “crazy” and she “just loves attention,” which she’s certainly got. As for the idea that her other son won’t date women for fear that they’re vengeful feminists who will invent sexual misconduct allegations to own the cons, Hanson says she “made it up.”
Eventually, the son in the picture himself, Pieter Hanson, joined Twitter (with the handle @Thatwasmymom, which amazingly wasn’t taken), and explained…well, almost everything.
That was my Mom. Sometimes the people we love do things that hurt us without realizing it. Let’s turn this around. I respect and #BelieveWomen . I never have and never will support #HimToo . I’m a proud Navy vet, Cat Dad and Ally. Also, Twitter, your meme game is on point. pic.twitter.com/yZFkEjyB6L
— Pieter Hanson (@Thatwasmymom) October 9, 2018
Here, finally, are a couple handfuls of the good parody #HimToo parody tweets, of which the Hanson sons seem to approve. Some stuck with sons who aren’t quite ideal:
This is MY son. He singlehandedly runs a small hotel. He's a homeowner. He knows a boy's best friend is his mother. He goes a little mad sometimes. He won't go on solo dates due to the current climate of false accusations by radical anti-shower-stabbing feminists. I VOTE. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/qSYY7Cy46E
— Mary Gillis (@living_marble) October 8, 2018
This is MY son. He graduated #1 in his class at time travel school. He received an award thanks to his flux capacitor. He is a gentleman capable of going 88 miles per hour. He won't go on solo dates because his mother made a pass at him at prom. I VOTE. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/EKTIVDeVHD
— Nina Bargiel, probably (@slackmistress) October 9, 2018
Some went with movie psychos:
This is MY son. He graduated #1 from the University of Tannhäuser Gate. He was awarded three c-beams. He was #1 in murder. He won't go on solo dates due to the current climate of false accusations of wanting more life, father. I VOTE. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/PuL01b1Fzc
— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) October 9, 2018
This is MY son. He graduated #1 in sewing class. He was awarded the Insect Identification Badge. He is a gentleman who respects curvy women. He won't go on solo dates due to the current climate of false sexual accusations by radical feminists who don’t moisturize. I VOTE #HimToo pic.twitter.com/roylzrcM9X
— Zelda Zonk (@tikibetty) October 8, 2018
Or BoJack Horseman’s Vincent Adultman:
This is my large adult son. He’s a successful financial planner who works at the stock market and does businesses. Won’t some lucky lady go on a date with this stud? #HimToo pic.twitter.com/h344eUQrML
— shamus (@shamus_clancy) October 8, 2018
Some gave us animals:
This is my daughter. She won't go on dates with dachshunds and she'll refuse to save Susan Collins if she falls down a well#HimToo pic.twitter.com/P7whKJzajg
— Paul Rudnick (@PaulRudnickNY) October 9, 2018
This is MY son. He just sits there; afraid to do ANYTHING in this current climate of false allegations
#himtoo pic.twitter.com/3bCgHJKqyC
— Chris (@swellpalchris) October 8, 2018
This is MY son. He graduated last in boot camp because he is a cat. He is a cat so he respects no one. He won't go on solo dates due to being a cat. I VOTE. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/vqT5rmE02P
— Gabe Ortíz (@TUSK81) October 8, 2018
Or creepy dolls:
This is MY son. i found him in a cemetery eating bath salts. when i bring him with me to walmart the cashier doesn't argue about my expired coupons. sometimes he hides thumbtacks in my shoes. He won't go on solo dates because women find him sexually intimidating. I VOTE. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/zXNnmXJRCz
— the lizard king (@lizardwedding) October 8, 2018
Or weird and gross monsters:
This is MY son. He graduated #1 in his last round of crash testing. He received a high-impact award thanks to his enlarged ribcage. He is a gentleman capable of withstanding hurricane-force winds. He won't go on solo dates because he needs a team to support his head. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/0Wfo7OA8Qx
— Amanda Mancino-Williams (@Manda_like_wine) October 8, 2018
Some went with Rick Astley:
This is my son. He was #1 on the charts. He won’t go on solo dates even though he never gave up, let you down, run around, or deserted you, make you cry, say goodbye, tell a lie nor hurt you #HimToo pic.twitter.com/Q5sMpGIVR3
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) October 8, 2018
Henry VIII’s Twitter account actually went with Anne of Cleves
— Henry Tudor (@KngHnryVIII) October 8, 2018
Someone channeled William Blake:
This is my son, the Titan Cronus. He castrated me with a sickle and threw my testicles into the sea. He won’t go on solo dates anymore as it is prophesied that he will be overthrown by his own son, just as he overthrew me. I VOTE. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/Ql9NaVyOlW
— pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” (@pixelatedboat) October 9, 2018
Some went with The Village People:
Another went with Guy Fieri:
This is MY son. He graduated #1 from the University of Flavortown. He was awarded three banging fajita poppers. He was #1 in flamin' hot crunch. He won't go on solo dates due to the current climate of false accusations of taking the last slice of pizza. I VOTE. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/4DY151a2W7
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) October 9, 2018
Or this John Travolta deep cut:
Some thought outside the box and went with Tomi Lahren:
Some kept it real. Here’s Mike Pence:
This is my son. He’s afraid to be alone with a woman in this current…well, in any climate really. #HimToo pic.twitter.com/1l5NrDok13
— T.R. Morley (@TheRealMorley) October 8, 2018
And here’s Brock Turner:
And here’s the man who allegedly caused all of this:
By the way, don’t venture too far into the #MeHim search. Get down too far and you’ll find people actually supporting the whole thing.