This Guy Waited Seven Years To Tell The Perfect Joke On Twitter

Some comedians prefer a more rapid-fire style of comedy, whereas others rely on more of a slow burn. Twitter user Marcus Lepage clearly falls into the latter category, as he sat on this tweet for nearly seven entire years, which until yesterday was the sole tweet from his account.

Nothing too surprising there. How many people have started Twitter accounts over the years only to decide that the 140-character limit was too restrictive, none of their friends were on there, or that it just wasn’t for them for one reason or another?

That is, until yesterday, when Marcus dropped the following bomb:

But he wasn’t done there, because later he followed up with this tweet:

Boom. And that’s how you play the long game on Twitter. Where does he go from here? Will Twitter even still be a thing seven years from now while we wait for his next update, or will we all be using a social networking site called like “flimflam” or something by then? In either case, well done, sir.

(Via Marcus Lepage on Twitter)