This Trailer For Julius Erving’s “The Doctor” Documentary Is Awesome

Want to know how beloved Julius Erving was? The man was given a “farewell tour” his final season in the NBA.

For those who stayed awake last night and caught Inside The NBA following the Grizzlies/Thunder game, this three minute teaser on the upcoming documentary, The Doctor, is well worth running back. For those who missed it, you’re in luck. Doc didn’t finish his career with multiple rings a la Bird, Magic or Jordan. Yet, and I swear if any old head is asked this, they’ll most likely agree – he was the first transcendent superstar of the post-merger era.

Come June 10 at 9 EST on NBATV, those of us NBA history geeks who weren’t alive or old enough to appreciate Doc’s prime or impact (and later the pitfalls he encountered) in real-time will receive a crash course in the aptly-titled film. In this trailer alone, Magic Johnson, Dominique Wilkins, George Gervin, Charles Barkley, Bob McAdoo and Darryl Dawkins all sing his praises in what represents more of a testament to him as a man than a player.

Watch this with your father, grandfather, uncles or O.G.’s and count the number of times they say “That was a bad man in his day!” Or “Y’all don’t know nothing about that nowadays. That was basketball!” Or some mythical story they swear is true about Dr. J dunking on a 16-foot rim while picking his afro that one time back in New York City in 1973.

I say all that to say this. Set the DVR. We’re all in for a treat.

Previously: PoV: Dr. J & The Grouch