What If George Lucas Edited Other Classic Movies?

We’ve been enjoying the parodies of the changes George Lucas made to the original Star Wars trilogy on Blu-ray, and CineWeekly’s new parody is no exception:

With the upcoming Star Wars Blu-ray releases, George Lucas has added even more changes that affect the character’s personalities. The most talked about? Darth Vader now screams “Nooooooo!” when throwing the Emperor down the Death Star shaft. You’ve seen the video by now so here’s our response to what this could lead to if this man isn’t stopped. [CineWeekly]

We have that horrifying look into the future, along with another frightening possibility, below:

We can only hope George Lucas never finds out about CGI-brows:

[Hat tip and no wire hangers to GeeksAreSexy, Buzzfeed, and NerdyLooking.]