Okay, maybe you wouldn’t. But I totally would. Mwahahahahaha! *thunder crashes, I shriek and hide under some blankets ’cause thunder’s mad scary, yo*
Lucius from Shiver Games borrows heavily from The Omen and The Shining and has a unique concept: you get to be the creepy evil kid from the horror movies.
Lucius is the son of the devil who has to clear the mansion of it’s [sic] residents. To do this he must orcastrate [sic] “accidents” without anyone suspecting him of any foul play. The player starts as Lucius and must cleverly devise these incidents from simple household items. Every time he succeeds he will gain supernatural powers to help him take full control. [Official synopsis via RockPaperShotgun]
The almost N64-era graphics (as seen in the two videos below) and the company’s inability to proofread their own synopsis doesn’t bode well, but I do like the idea behind this. At least it’s not expensive; it’s already available for preorder in the UK for £13 (US ~$21). I just realized, this kid is almost as creepy as the Watson NPC in Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis, and, come to think of it, the graphics quality of both games seems to be on par.
Argh. Limbs don’t move that way. I kind of hate myself for still badly wanting to play this.