In what I can only assume is an attempt to bring meaning to the prequels a new and random Tumblr (aren’t those the best kinds?) dedicated to Yoda doing his best Michael Scott impression has popped up this week. Yoda of course uses object-subject-verb syntax so “Said That She Did” replaces “That’s What She Said.” Get it? Geeks are pretending they hear sexual innuendo in seemingly innocuous Star Wars lines! But in a way that will never get them laid!
When it works (a quarter of the time by my count and comedy standards) it’s thanks to cheesy George Lucas dialogue. And because Luke/Leia/Padmé are begging for the Michael Scott treatment. After the jump you’ll find a fun, enlargeable collage of the ones I chuckled at, followed by every Michael Scott “That’s What She Said” through 2008 (like you’re not going to watch).
[protected-iframe id=”7546617cc2b6847eaa7cfa69d41424b4-60970621-84525852″ info=”″ width=”600″ height=”338″]Source: Said That She Did