You’re Going To Want To Invite This Dancing Grandpa To Your Wedding

If you’re the kind of wedding guest who likes to fancy himself the life of the party and king of the dance floor with your “epic” Electric Slide, it’s time that you take a seat and learn from a living legend. This unnamed grandpa’s wedding dance moves have earned him instant Internet Hero status, as the way that he tosses those crutches to the ground would typically be prefaced with a preacher shouting, “You have been saved!” There was no miracle from a higher power that caused this man to get jiggy with it, though, and the only problem that I have with this wonderfully cheerful video is that it took way too long for grandpa’s slick moves to bring a lady to her senses. Getcha some, grandpa.

And like any good video of an old man dancing, it is already inspiring remixes on YouTube.

(H/T to the HuffPo)