A Convincing Argument That ‘The Walking Dead’ And ‘Toy Story’ Are One And The Same

Small town sheriff. Weird looking kid wearing an oversized hat. Outsider arrives and shakes things up. The dead come to life. I’m, of course, talking about Toy Story, Pixar’s 1995 film that gave the studio enough clout to eventually make Cars 2 (thank GOD). I suppose the same plot summary could be used for AMC’s The Walking Dead, two dots that Redditor “JimmyLegs50,” a.k.a The Micros web cartoonist John Wray, connected to make a mashup of the movie and zombie series. After the jump, you can see an excerpt from Zombie Story, with the rest at the source.

We’ll know the theory holds if Blonde Daughter starts singing Randy Newman songs in the prison.

Check out the rest of the story here.