I’m not sure there’s ever been a Twitter consensus like the one forming over this morning’s news of Hollywood’s impending Point Break remake. My theory on the united tweeting front is that the world’s dumbest tweeters (i.e. the ones who made “Who the F*ck Is Arcade Fire?” possible) are too young to remember Point Break and have an opinion.
Many of today’s best Twitter reactions to the news are humorous and entertaining, but let’s all be clear about one thing: this is GD travesty and the world will be a much, much worse place for it. No one will ever be “Johnny Utah” like Keanu. No one will ever pull off a bleached blonde quasi-mullet like Swayze. No one will ever play a less appealing female lead than Lori Petty. And no one will ever fire a gun at the sky like this. Except maybe Nick Frost…
As you may imagine a lot of tweets referenced the that Fast & the Furious was already a remake, so I’ve only included the best and brightest of those. Much respect to our friends at Buzzfeed for also taking a stand.