Fake Anything is a website which posts ad campaigns for imaginary products in the movies and TV shows all the cool kids are talking about. Or, in their words, they’re a “creative consortium dedicated to visionary interpretations of mythic media references.” Oh man, I feel smarter already for having read that. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out these official testimonials:
“I always wanted to fake something. And now I’ve found a fake family to share my stuff with.” — Shepard Fairey (fake)
“I laughed, I cried…I sh-t my pants.” — Maya Angelou (possibly fake)
I had the same reaction, Maya Angelou, but then I just resolutely cleaned myself up and soldiered on, because out of the bathroom of history’s shame I rise.
Well, there’s no good way to segue out of that awful joke, so let’s just pretend it never happened and move on to the gallery of funny pictures, shall we? Most of these were made by Misty Manley, although there are a few contributions from Joe Stephens, Darrick, “Korben Dallas”, and others at Boxing-Clever and Fake Anything.
Arrested Development
Arrested Development
Arrested Development
Dwight’s Resume (The Office). Full size available here.
The Duke Silver Trio from Parks and Recreation just took me on a little journey to myself.
Parks and Recreation, Contributed by Elfland’s Daughter.
Parks and Recreation
Tom Haverford’s Seed Company from Parks and Recreation. Oh man, I love “carrots”, too.
Breaking Bad
30 Rock
“Don’t be a-touchin’ my 3 beautiful robot daughters!” From the Futurama episode Moon Farm.
How could anyone forget his name?
Golf Umbrella for The IT Crowd‘s Reynholm Industries
This Boogie Nights reference has got the touch (and the power).
Muppets concert posters. Full size posters available here.
Levy Pant Company from Confederacy of Dunces
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Posters for fake movies from Seinfeld episodes (by Boxing-Clever).
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg Stationary for Zorg Industries (The Fifth Element), more pictures here.
Band poster for Sonic Death Monkey (High Fidelity)
Bubbles wants to look after your cats.
Where’s the Kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Kaboom!