The Best Of Danny DeVito's #Frank Reynolds

The new Danny DeVito-voiced Dr. Seuss movie The Lorax hits theaters this Friday, and ever since Danger outlined the first trailer I’ve been holding strong to the notion that Always Sunny’s Frank Reynolds is the actual voice of the Lorax. Or at the very least DeVito is channeling Frank Reynolds when grumpily ushering kids through a magical adventure (“I am not going to diddle your kids!”).

Regardless, the subject makes for good timing to pay tribute to everyone’s favorite WHOre-loving, gun-enthusiast anti-father figure, as well as feed my It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia withdrawal. I really can’t properly portray in words how much I enjoyed putting this together, reliving Rum Ham, Lethal Weapon 5, and other assorted greatest hits.

I should also take a moment to mention that Frank Reynolds was conspicuously dropping “monster condoms” for his “massive dong” long before Zac Efron thought of doing it. Whether the Lorax taught Efron this move is unclear, but it does make for some nice symmetry.

