The Best Of Workaholics' #Adam DeMamp

To build on our excitement for tonight’s Workaholics Season 3 premiere (did someone say live discussion and Q&A with Jillian and Montez?) I want to dedicate this week’s Best of # to the show’s most relentlessly quotable character: Adam DeMamp.

Whether it’s attempting to coin catchphrases, deeming himself the cool pop culture character of the group, or simply adding his own personal anecdotes to every situation, over two seasons Adam DeVine’s on screen persona has become a master of scene stealing, which makes it even more of a bummer I only got to interview two-thirds of the trio. So. Many. Tommy. Move. Questions.

Anyhoo, I encourage everyone to sit back, enjoy, and take it sleazy until joining us later tonight.

#Adam+Demamp & F*ck Yeah Workaholics