25 April Fool’s Day Pranks That Probably Won’t Make You A Terrible Person

More Nic Cage office pranks available here.

Next Monday is April Fool’s Day, which means we won’t be leaving the house or believing anything we see online. (So it’s like every other day of the year? Yes.) To help you prepare, we’ve collected 25 April Fool’s Day pranks which aren’t completely terrible things done by awful human beings.

We’re leaving out pranks that make people genuinely fear for their safety. We’re also avoiding pranks that could easily lead to an injury. No pranks that could do expensive damage to other people’s property. No pranks that cost people jobs or get people sued. No pranks that would take an unreasonable amount of time for someone to clean up. In other words, no sociopathic stuff. Just silliness. Because it’s April Fool’s Day, not “Prove You’re A Solipsist Dick” Day.






This isn’t so much a prank as it is the reason I’d stab a roommate. [via]


How’d they find this picture of my office? [via]



Documents with a Nic Cage watermark are 300% more official. [via]



People pretending to hold up the Tower of Pisa got a high five photobomb. [via]



(Make sure this doesn’t contain anything someone could be allergic to beforehand.) [via]


“There’s a teacher at my school who has a copy of the Declaration of Independence taped to his door. Seeing as it was my last day, I decided to steal it and replace it with a photo of Nic.” — jakeralphio



