Anthony Weiner Flipped The Bird To Reporters After He Conceded Defeat

Well folks, it may be our last chance to use up all these perfectly good Weiner jokes, so here goes. Are you ready? Ok. (I apologize to my editor profusely in advance.) NY1 producer Lindsey Christ was the eagle-eyed TV producer who spotted beleaguered former congressman Anthony Weiner flipping reporters off as he drove away in defeat earlier tonight. It may go down with voters and political wonks as the image he’s remembered by, maybe moreso than the infamous pictures of his dick. It’s one thing to lose, but to lose badly? What a sad, sad, little man.

There’s nothing sadder than a Weiner who starts strong but can’t finish. There’s nothing sadder than a sweaty, defeated Weiner being chased through a McDonalds by an ex paramour…


… nothing sadder than a Weiner who arrived in a haze of confidence but leaves with but 5% of interest

… and nothing sadder than a Weiner who’s wife isn’t even by his side when he loses.

(h/t: HuffPo via NY1, image: Lindsey Christ)