Tara The Hero Cat Threw Out The First Pitch At A Baseball Game, Because There’s Nothing She Can’t Do

Tara the Hero Cat, who deservingly became a legitimate sensation (you know it’s the real deal when your mom shares it on Facebook without the requisite three-month delay) last week after saving a young boy from a vicious dog attack, threw out the first pitch at the Bakersfield Blaze minor league baseball game yesterday, as promised.

The “throw” took a bit of clever maneuvering on the part of organizers, of course. Tara repeatedly swatted at the ball, which was on a string, with her front-left leg (a true southPAW). When that failed, her owner, Roger Triantafilo, gave her a human hand and bounced one across the plate.

And because this is 2014, Tara responded on Twitter with the grace and humility we’ve come to expect from the feline. Actually, that’s not true. She totally threw Roger under the bus:

(Banner image via @MILB; H/T Gawker)