Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Loves It When You Compare Her To The Notorious B.I.G.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg became the unlikeliest of Internet icons for her dissent on the Hobby Lobby decision. She even has her own Tumblr-approved nickname: the Notorious R.B.G. It’s hard, if hilarious to imagine Ginsburg driving ’round Washington with “Me and My Bitch,” but she does know who Biggie is. Here’s what the 81-year-old Supreme Court justice said to Katie Couric in an interview for Yahoo.

“Most of it I think is very funny. There is a rap song, and there is one using the words from the Hobby Lobby dissent. I haven’t seen anything that isn’t either pleasing or funny on the Web site,” the justice said, adding that she likes the Notorious R.B.G. meme. “I think she has created a wonderful thing…I will admit I had to be told by my law clerks, what’s this Notorious, and they explained that to me, but the Web site is something I enjoy, all of my family do.” (Via)

It’s gonna be awkward when Sonia Sotomayor admits that she prefers Tupac…

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Via Washington Post