This Guy Dressed As A Mortal Kombat Character To Prank People In An Elevator

Like it or not, we’re in a moment where anyone can theoretically soul cosplay as Allen Funt and have a hidden camera/prank web series. That doesn’t mean that they should, but it’s amazing that more of us don’t encounter people jumping out of garbage receptacles dressed up as zombies or dogs running down the street in spider costumes.

Witness YouTube user fouseyTUBE. This guy has posted quite a few hidden camera/prank videos, but unlike a lot of other people, he’s really putting his all into it. In his latest video, Fousey dresses up as Sub-Zero from the Mortal Kombat video game/seminal Christopher Lambert movie to scare people in an elevator. Fousey’s got the fierce costume, the sick ninja moves and “Finish Him!” pumping into the elevator via some kind of speaker to really sell the bit. As is always the case with these prank shows, the reaction is the key and this one gets a few screams but there are a lot of people who adopt a defensive posture. Apparently the average elevator passenger knows what’s up when they see Sub-Zero and they are not about to get mauled by a polar bear or frozen by his ice breath.

Source: YouTube