See What Cartoonists Around The World Are Drawing In Response To The Charlie Hebdo Attack

After twelve people were killed by religious extremists at the headquarters of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, responses from around the world are pouring over the internet. The hashtag #JeSuisCharlie has been trending worldwide, the slogan becoming a rallying cry for solidarity and freedom of speech. But the most touching and steadfast tributes are coming from cartoonists, standing by their fallen colleagues. Here is some of their work.

Bernardo Erlich

“The world has become so serious that humor is a risky business.”

Satish Acharya

David Pope

Martin Vidberg

Cartoon: “Today I am an editorial cartoonist. Today I am a journalist. Today I draw for Charlie Hebdo.”
Tweet: “How can I draw today? How can I not draw today?”

Rod Emmerson

Joep Bertram

Loïc Sécheresse

I can’t read who the artist is, but it was tweeted by J.K. Rowling:

UPDATE: Thank you to the commenter who informed me that this was drawn by Dave Brown, cartoonist at The Independent.

Jean Jullien

For a collection of the cartoons that made Charlie Hebdo a target, visit The Daily Banter.

Sources: Vox,, Twitter (h/t Travon Free)