Mike Huckabee Addressed His Beyoncé Comments And Attacked Obama’s Parenting Style

Remember Mike Huckabee’s comments about Jay-Z exploiting Beyoncé? The former Arkansas Governor, ex-Fox News pundit, and 2016 presidential hopeful had the chance to explain them away during ABC’s This Week. Instead, he attacked the Obamas’ parenting style:

“Beyoncé is a wonderful talent,” Huckabee said. “My point is, she doesn’t have to do some of the things that she does in the lyrics, because it’s not necessary. She has nothing to make up for. She’s an amazing talent.”

“My point was, even in speaking about the Obamas — and I said about them in the book, they’re great parents. But it was President Obama in an interview with Glamour who said that some of the lyrics he won’t listen to with his daughters because it embarrasses him. If it embarrasses you then why would you possibly think it’s wholesome for your children to put it into their heads?”

“If you’re very concerned about what happens with your children — and the Obamas are. They’re great parents. They’re careful about making sure their kids get a lot of vegetables and eat right. That’s terrific. But what you put in your brain is also important as well as what you put into your body and that was my point based on what the president, himself, said.” (Via Mediaite)

Huckabee can be quite shrewd when walking around (or through) questions. Then again, he can also move on from the subject and make a whole new set of comments.

(Via ABC News and Mediaite)