Tom Hardy‘s journey through the social media landscape is a strange and craggily one that I found myself traversing while researching a separate story for The Dark Knight Rises actor. That’s when it happened, hitting me in the face like a Bane right hook: Tom Hardy’s Myspace. The rabbit hole I opened led to pics, quips, lies, and cries — it was glorious. This writer is not the first to explore the personal spaces of Mr. Hardy, as it seems that when you’re a fairly good looking fella who makes a living on TV and film, everyone wants to know what you had for breakfast. To my recollection, this is the first full exploration of the was and never was of the bizarre and bemusing social media life of Tom Hardy.
The Myspace Era
This is where it all begins (unless Hardy had a Friendster account before). From erotic selfies, to on-set selfies, to more erotic selfies, this Myspace account had everything you’ve ever wanted from Tom Hardy besides a good cinematic performance. Want to stare at Hardy’s bulge? Done. Want Hardy to make kissy faces at you? Done. Want to see young Tom Hardy sans full tattoos? Done. It’s all here.
Diapers or naw?
Not sure what’s cooler. The gun? Shades? Mixing board?
Living the dream.
Pretty girls and playing pretend = Best job ever.
Even the dog is embarrassed.
The Twitter Era That Maybe Was
Here’s where it starts to get iffy. You know you’re famous when even if a social media account might be fake, websites will still report on it. There is some possible validity to Tom Hardy’s two-week run on Twitter in 2013: Nicola Patton — who runs TomHardy.org — confirmed that it was real. Also, The Daily Dot reported that all of Hardy’s Twitter activity (follows, tweets) displayed the actor’s interests precisely. Still, if it wasn’t real, it was classic Hardy (whatever that is).
@MissMarcel is that you Marcel codewords circle of trust refn is a fatty necked porky teller
— Tommy Hardy (@TommyHardy77) June 4, 2013
@MissMarcel Ref the circle of trust pork gobbler is a turd smuggler
— Tommy Hardy (@TommyHardy77) June 5, 2013
I don’t need to verify sh*t. I’m me.
— Tommy Hardy (@TommyHardy77) June 18, 2013
Getting bored with twitter now
— Tommy Hardy (@TommyHardy77) June 18, 2013
The Instagram Era That Never Was
Everyone, and I mean everyone, ran to their computers to “report” that Tom Hardy had joined Instagram back in 2013. Sadly, though, @HardyThomas was just a guy named Hardy Thomas who thought he’d have some fun with the internet community when he opened his Instagram account. The pics featured were a mix of Myspace pics, fan pics, and Twitter pics featuring Tom Hardy. It was a clever little ruse, especially with this pic and caption:
Will the real Tom Hardy ever stand up on social media again? Who knows? But, The Drop was one of the best films of 2014, and his Russian accent sounds pretty good in Child 44. His performances are all that matter, right?