Co-parenting after divorce is a difficult enough thing to begin with, even if you’re just a normal, non-famous person. If you throw in massive egos, PR, and one controversial religion, one can imagine how it could quickly evolve into a nightmare.
Ever since Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorced, rumors have swirled that Holmes had been labeled a “Suppressive Person” by the Church of Scientology, which means that church members are not to communicate or associate with her at all whatsoever. However, TMZ is reporting that Holmes and Cruise are allegedly not on speaking terms with one another, not because of the church, but because of an “intense disliking” of one another.
Well-placed sources with the Church tell TMZ, Katie was NOT declared a Suppressive Person. What’s interesting, we’re told Katie actually thinks she’s been declared one … but she hasn’t.
Sources connected with Tom and Katie tell us there are hard feelings on both sides, which is why they don’t communicate. For Tom’s part, he feels betrayed because he claims Katie never gave him any warning she was leaving him. For Katie’s part, we’re told she felt Tom sucked the life out of her.
Hmm, so the church that has recently come under fire due to a scathing documentary about its practices including, but not limited to, naming people “Suppressive Persons” says she’s not a Suppressive Person? Sounds legit to me. In either case, hopefully they both just have the best interests of their kid in mind at the end of the day, and if them not speaking makes things less tumultuous, maybe it’s for the best.