Ladies and gentleman, I have tremendous news. Do you remember the daring, $300 million heist that took place in London over Easter weekend? The one where a team of highly organized thieves used the extended banking holiday to access a treasure trove of security-deposit boxes by rappelling down an elevator shaft and penetrating “a series of fortified doors,” kind of like real-life versions of Sean Connery in Entrapment?
Well, police made nine arrests in the case this week, and it turns out the criminals weren’t “kind of” like Sean Connery in Entrapment. They were exactly like Sean Connery in Entrapment. As in, six of the nine suspects police rounded up range in age from 58 to 76. That’s right, people… SENIOR CITIZEN HEIST!
From USA Today:
More than 200 police officers raided at least 12 properties in north London and the neighboring southern English county of Kent on Tuesday and detained the suspects, who range in age from 43 to 76.
“A number of large bags containing significant amounts of high-value property have been recovered from one address,” a Scotland Yard spokesman said. “Officers are confident these are items stolen during the burglary.”
My God, this story keeps getting better and better. How has no one turned this into a movie yet? I mean, sure, the arrests technically just happened this week, and movies take months or years to complete, but still. Get cracking, Hollywood. It’s perfect. Like The Bucket List crossed with The Thomas Crown Affair. Like Grumpy Old Men crossed with The Italian Job. Like Ocean’s 13 crossed with, uh… actually, this is basically just Ocean’s 13. But good! Yeah, Ocean’s 13, but good! Make this movie!
(Via USA Today)