After nearly a year of litigation, comedian Tracy Morgan and Walmart have settled their often combative court proceedings following last year’s fatal accident on the New Jersey Turnpike. The family of James McNair, Morgan’s comedy writer who was killed in the accident, already settled with the retail conglomerate back in March for $10 million.
As Market Watch reports, the details of the settlement remain confidential, but both sides have issued public statements regarding the matter. Walmart U.S. Chief Executive Greg Foran told the press:
“Our thoughts continue to go out to everyone that was involved in the accident….While we know there is nothing that can change what happened, Walmart has been committed to doing what’s right to help ensure the well-being of all of those who were impacted by the accident.”
Meanwhile, Morgan spoke on his and his associates’ behalf:
“Walmart did right by me and my family, and for my associates and their families. I am grateful that the case was resolved amicably.”
While I suspect that a nondisclosure agreement of some kind is a part of the settlement, here’s to hoping Morgan and his team find a clever way around it for the comedian’s eventual post-accident routine.
(Via Market Watch)